I am Frédéric HURLIN, I am 42 years old and I have been a coach for 20 years!
To get to know me better, listen to the Cyclisme Performance podcast dedicated to me.
Frederic HURLIN
Coach, specialist in endurance sports and exercise physiology, graduated from the University of Bordeaux II, Aix-Marseille and Nice-Sophia Antipolis. Manager and sports director for one of the best women's amateur teams of the year 2022 (1st DN1 team in the Coupe de France Elite).
To view the document:
Professional card n°00608ED0032,
Licence STAPS "Entrainement Sportif" Cliquer ici,
Master STAPS "Sport d'Endurance" Cliquer ici,
BF5 Triathlon Cliquer ici,
BF 3 UC5 Hypoxic training Cliquer ici,
Tronc Commun et BEES1 (voile) Cliquer ici.
Coach for the Haute-Savoie youth "road" teams.
"XC-CX" coach for the PRAZ SUR ARLY club.
Sports director for women's teams DN1 - DN2, Junior selection on Nation Cup.
Teacher at the National School of Skiing and Mountaineering on the following topics: Myology, Bio-energetics, Physical activity in a mountain environment.
Teacher at the National Center for Defense Sports on the following topics: Pedagogy and coaching, setting up training situations, Retex of training experience.
Teacher at the UFR STAPS of the University of Chambéry - on the following topics: Pedagogy and coaching, setting up training situations (L3 ES), Physiology and bio-energetics (L1). Bodybuilding / weightlifting (level L1 to L3), Training and physiology of training (lectures and tutorials, level L1 to L3), Physical preparation of the field and group management (level L1 to L3).
Teacher at the University of Nice IAE – Sophia Antipolis on the following topics: Biochemistry and bio-energetics (level L3 to M1), Assessment of physical condition (level L3).
Specific work-out for gymnasts (Pôle France Gymnastique Antibes), tennis players (ISP Academy) and football players following various traumas.